Is Carvana bullying its own customers on Facebook?

Carvana customers are often bullied on the Facebook group “Carvana Reviews and Experiences”.

The facebook group “Carvana Reviews and Experiences” is active, with over 7,000 members and frequent daily posts from members. When members of the group post positive experiences with Carvana, group members offer comments of congratulations and likes. Strangely, when upset customers post bad experiences with the online used car dealership, they are often bullied by the other members.

The Facebook Group “Carvana Reviews and Experiences” Group description does not mention whether or not it is affiliated with Carvana.

The group describes itself as a place where “anyone could share their experiences” with Carvana. The actual group moderator does not seem to know that and refers to unhappy customers as “trolls”. Remarkably, he doesn’t know if the group is affiliated with the online used car dealership. Is it odd that a moderator does not know if he moderates a group for Carvana or an outside entity? We think it is. Here he is, explaining what he does and doesn’t know:

The moderator of the Facebook group “Carvana Reviews and Experiences” is not sure if the group he moderates is affiliated with Carvana.

Carvana employees are breaking Carvana’s employee code of conduct–otherwise known as “The Carvana Code”–by bullying other members of the group.

There seem to be four distinct types of active members in this Facebook group. 1) Carvana customers, whether happy or disappointed, 2) Regulars who post and comment frequently and seem to know quite a bit about how Carvana’s process works, 3) Carvana employees (who actually list Carvana as their employer on their Facebook profile), and 4) Prospective customers who join the group to help decide if they want to purchase a vehicle from Carvana. We’ll keep it as simple as possible by naming these types of members “customers”, “regulars”, “employees”, and “prospects”.

This screenshot shows the comments under a customer’s post after she asked for help with resolving her vehicle issues. She claimed there was no inspection done on the vehicle she bought from Carvana. A regular chimed in (I have not blocked his name or photo for privacy, as it is an obviously fake profile and made-up name). According to “Hugh”, it’s all the customer’s fault because she “screwed up”. This must be what the moderator meant when he said members would “jump in and flush out” members who aren’t happy with their Carvana experiences.

Here is regular Hugh Jasole again, belittling a senior citizen who is a veteran (according to the OP) who believes his Carvana vehicle had an odometer rollback:

Carvana wouldn’t allow regulars like Hugh to live on their group page and bully their customers, would they? Seems unlikely, until you see actual Carvana employees pop up in comments. This employee was a little more polite. He merely called the same senior citizen customer “bitter”:

Here is another Carvana employee, with more helpful input:

We’re not the only ones who are confused by the bullies and trolls in this group that appears to be run by Carvana employees. Another regular gets called out by an unhappy member for his frequent bullying on the group here:

This group can be viewed whether or not you are a member. This link will take you there. The unhappy customers are “flushed out” fairly quickly, along with most of their unhappy posts, so screenshots come in handy.